"Jance is an outstanding coach who will never stop learning ways to make his clients better. When you work with Jance, you won't just get a cookie-cutter program, but one that is tailored to your goals, limitations, ability, and rate of progression. And if the top-notch coaching isn't enough, 5 Rings Barbell is loaded to the gills with the worlds best training equipment. If you love the gym, you'll be like a kid in a candy store!!"
Ryan Faehnle

"I think Jance has the ability to keep the strength and conditioning on the right path, and even change it. He has and works with integrity, respect, honesty and sincerity. Whoever chooses Jance and 5 rings barbell, has fallen in good hands."
Eric Falstrault

"This guy knows his stuff!! absolute best place to train and get your gains on for powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman/woman, etc... in the Atlanta area. Jance routinely invites experts like Boris Sheiko and Ivan Rojas of Risto Sports to seminar there. you have to respect someone who is always learning and perfecting themselves."

"Competing in 4 Olympic Games and coaching one of the top track teams in the country, I immediately was impressed with facility and coach. If I had an athlete in the Atlanta area remotely close to his facility- this is where I would reccomend high school athletes looking to better themselves and potentially earn a scholarship train. The scope of people that could improve with the knowledge base in place is second to none."